Reinhard marx das kapital pdf

Reinhard marx born 21 september 1953 is a german cardinal of the catholic church. Since the financial crash, peoples thinking has changed and they are trying to understand if the capitalist system is going to destroy itself. Marx prided himself on having discovered the laws which governed the operation of the capitalist system, laws which would inevitably lead to its collapse. Pope benedict xvi elevated marx to the cardinalate in a consistory on 20 november 2010. He described his purpose as to lay bare the economic law of motion of modern society. Reinhard marx said the current worldwide financial crisis required a fundamental social debate. Karl marx was a doctor of philosophy and a wellknown rebel when he wrote this work. Contemporary dark red half morocco, spine lettered in gilt, ruled and decorated in gilt and blind, raised bands, marbled paper boards, yellow endpapers, marbled edges.

Like any other worthwhile intellectual, marx takes a lot of effort an acquaintance with hegel helps a lot. A historical document and a valuable critique and insight into the capitalist system of the 18th century, that is. Reinhard marx born 21 september 1953 is a german cardinal of the catholic church and chairman of the german bishops conference. Even today, more than one billion chinese citizens live under a regime that proclaims fealty to marxist ideology. Archbishop reinhard marx of munich is not related to 19thcentury communist founding father karl marx, but the clergymans surname draws. It is a work of politics, history, economics, philosophy and even in places, literature. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. The lecture series discover the stories behind historys greatest books. In it marx gives a critical analysis of capitalism and its practical economic application and also a critique of other related theories. Theory can never resolve the contradictions of the practical world, only revolutionary practice, the selfactivity of the working class most of us, can produce a society based on the free. He maintained that within the capitalist system, labour was a mere commodity that. His key to explaining capitalism is his labor theory of value, which he developed from ideas of adam smith and david ricardo. Verlag sankt michaelsbund, munchen 2008, isbn 9783939905172.